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Audiology Services and Hearing Aid Center Logo coming from the ear are dots to make it look like sound

Find the Best Hearing Aids in Lakewood, CO –

Expert Care & Affordable Options

From Our Family
To Yours
Our Personal Care Promise

We appreciate your choice and are grateful for supporting our family business of over 21 years.

Dr. Mandi and Hearing Aid Specialist Larry are dedicated to ensuring your visit is characterized by the highest level of care, providing you with comprehensive information, and leaving you with the assurance that we'll be here to look after all of your audiology needs.

Dr. Mandi Solat and Larry Solat
Audiology Services and  Hearing Aid Center Logo Current alt text
Logo for Audiology Services and Hearing Aid Center teal logo with dots coming from an ear shaped logo.

Lakewood's Best Deals & Discounts

Yes, High-end Hearing Aids

Are Affordable!

Audiology Services and  Hearing Aid Center High Tech Hearing Aids Laying on a table with a green plant nearby
Hearing Aids from Audiology Services and  Hearing Aid Center high tech hearing aid no background just the hand

Does Insurance Cover Hearing Aids? We'll Help You Find Out! Affordable payment options available!

Insurance Coverage

At Audiology Service and Hearing Aid Center, we understand the importance of making hearing aids accessible and affordable for our valued patients. We work diligently to help you navigate your insurance benefits, and in numerous cases, we facilitate direct billing to your insurance provider for seamless payment processing.

Oticon Hearing Aid App showing on an iphone with the Oticon logo and some instructions.

Check out the new and improved!​ 

  • Change the volume or mute your hearing aids all at the touch of the app

  • Discreetly adjust your sound equalizer, and control the sounds around you!

  • Customize your streaming

  • Monitor your hearing health

  • Leave your hearing aids behind? Locate them through the app!

  • Remote care feature for when you need help.

App logos for Apple and the Google Store

**Once the Companion application is installed, please delete the Oticon ON application from the device for optimal performance. 

For information about the Companion application, please visit, call Oticon's technology support line

at 1-800-526-3921, press 6, or contact Larry & Mandi.

Google Play logo and Apple App Store Logo for setting up your hearing aids on your phone.
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